How High Hematocrit Is Dangerous?


A hematocrit that is too high can pose health risks.

Normal hematocrit levels are:

  • Men: 40-50%
  • Women: 36-44%
  • Children: 33-36%

A hematocrit above 55% is considered abnormally high for adults. Some potential risks of an elevated hematocrit include:

  • Thick, sludgy blood that doesn't flow well
  • High risk of blood clots forming in arteries and veins
  • Increased blood pressure and strain on the heart
  • Vision problems due to lack of blood flow
  • Headaches, dizziness, or weakness

Seeking medical care is recommended if your hematocrit is consistently above 55%. Treatments can help lower it to a safer level and minimize health complications.

Related tutorial videos:

Here's How To Lower Hematocrit While On TRT

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