How Is Eugenia Cooney Still Alive?


Eugenia Cooney is a YouTube personality who has endured a very public battle with an eating disorder. For years, Cooney's dangerously thin physique and declining health raised serious concerns about her well-being. However, Cooney is still alive thanks to medical interventions and her own efforts towards recovery.

Hospitalizations and Medical Care

On multiple occasions over the years, Cooney's low weight and health issues required hospitalization. She has openly discussed being treated in inpatient mental health and eating disorder treatment facilities. This medical care has helped stabilize her physically when she reached crisis points. Doctors have been able to treat complications and keep her alive through challenging periods.

Focus on Recovery

While Cooney's recovery journey continues, in recent times she has placed more emphasis on taking care of her health and addressing the underlying causes of her disorder. Seeing a therapist regularly and focusing on harm reduction and prevention strategies has helped elevate her physical and mental state. Making recovery a priority has supported her overall well-being and ability to continue living each day.

Through medical support systems and her renewed commitment to recovery, Eugenia Cooney has persevered against the challenges of her eating disorder. While the battle is ongoing, these factors have helped ensure she remains alive today.

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