How Long Can Someone Live With Merkel Cell Carcinoma?


The prognosis and life expectancy for someone diagnosed with Merkel cell carcinoma can vary depending on factors like the stage of cancer and overall health of the patient. Generally, survival rates are:

  • Stage I - The 5-year survival rate is approximately 70-80%.
  • Stage II - The 5-year survival rate is approximately 50-60%.
  • Stage III - The 5-year survival rate is approximately 30-50%.
  • Stage IV - The 5-year survival rate is approximately 10-30%.

For localized Merkel cell carcinoma that has not spread, the average survival time is 5 years or longer after diagnosis if treated successfully. For metastatic or advanced stage cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, the average survival time ranges from 9-12 months without treatment.

While the prognosis is often poor for advanced stages, improvements in immunotherapy and chemotherapy treatments in recent years have helped increase survival times for some patients. Early detection and treatment generally leads to the best chances of long-term survival.

Related tutorial videos:

Life after a Merkel Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis

One Patient's Journey With Merkel Cell Carcinoma