How Long Do Elixirs Last Bg3?


In Baldur's Gate 3, elixirs generally last for 1 hour of in-game time. The effects will persist until the duration expires or the player rests to end the current in-game day.

Some notable details about elixir durations in BG3:

  • Minor elixirs like healing potions last 1 hour.
  • Moderate elixirs like potions of speed last 1 hour.
  • Major elixirs like invisibility potions last 1 hour.

Stronger elixirs from rare recipes may have longer durations, but 1 hour is standard. The elixir's effects are removed if the player rests at an inn or camp, ending the current in-game day. Otherwise, the buffs/healing from elixirs will remain active until that 1 hour duration expires through normal gameplay.

Related tutorial videos:

How Alchemy Works in Baldur's Gate 3 - Potions, Elixers, Oils, Bombs? You Can Make it All!

Best Potions & Elixirs to Dominate and Stay Safe - Baldur's Gate 3