How Many Nims Management Characteristics Are There?


There are four basic characteristics or principles of NIMS:

  • Flexibility - NIMS allows for the utilization of templates to enable the management of incidents of any type, size and complexity. This allows individual jurisdictions, districts and functional areas to modify the system to address their unique organizing challenges.
  • Standardization - NIMS standardizes incident response and management practices so that personnel from different agencies and jurisdictions can work together better. First responders use common terminology, organizational structures, interoperable communications, standardized resource management and shared understanding of basic principles and practices.
  • Unity of Command - Every individual participating in incident management reports to only one designated supervisor at any given time. This ensures clear channels of communication and eliminates the confusion caused by multiple and conflicting directives.
  • Spans of Control - No supervisor should be responsible for directly supervising more than seven subordinates, ensuring more effective supervision and accountability. As the number of resources or complexity increases, additional levels of organization are added through the use of branches, divisions, and groups.

So in summary, there are four basic characteristics or management principles of NIMS - flexibility, standardization, unity of command and spans of control.

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