How Much Do Axolotls Cost?


Axolotls can range widely in cost depending on factors like age, size, color/pattern morph, and whether they are wild-caught or captive-bred.

On average, expect to pay:

  • $20-30 for juvenile axolotls (under 6 inches long)
  • $30-50 for subadults (6-9 inches long)
  • $50-80 for adult axolotls (9+ inches long)

Rarer color/pattern morphs like albino, leucistic, or melanoid axolotls can cost $50-150 depending on the rarity and demand. Wild-caught axolotls from Mexico are becoming rare and can cost over $100.

The tank, filter, heater, substrate, decor, and food/supplies to care for an axolotl will also add to the initial setup costs. Plan to invest $150-250 total for a basic 10-20 gallon axolotl habitat.

Proper care of axolotls is important, so be sure you have the time, money, and commitment before bringing one home as a new pet!

Related tutorial videos:

How much does it cost to buy an axolotl?

How much does a baby axolotl cost?