How Much Does Planet Fitness Pay?


Planet Fitness pay varies depending on the location and position. However, on average:

  • General Manager salary ranges from $35,000 to $65,000 annually.
  • Assistant Manager salary ranges from $25,000 to $45,000 annually.
  • Front Desk Associate/Membership Consultant pay is around $8-12 per hour.
  • Trainer pay ranges from $10-15 per hour.
  • Janiostial/Maintenance staff typically earn $10-12 per hour.

Salaries may be higher in locations with a higher cost of living. Entry-level positions like front desk associates tend to be paid yearly salaries on the lower end of the ranges listed. More senior positions like general managers can earn salaries closer to the higher end depending on store performance and experience.

In addition to hourly wages or annual salaries, some Planet Fitness locations offer bonus incentives and benefits like health insurance. Pay rates may vary slightly by franchise ownership as well.

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