How To Beat Evelynn Tournament Of Souls?


Here are some tips to beat Evelynn in League of Legends' Tournament of Souls mode:

  • Ward frequently to spot her incoming ganks. Evelynn relies on stealth to ambush enemies, so having vision of her approach is key.
  • Play safe under turrets when her ultimate, Hate Spike, is available. She can delete low health targets very quickly once her ultimate is stacked up.
  • Group with your team, especially later in the game. Evelynn is much weaker in direct 5v5 fights compared to picking off isolated enemies.
  • Buy anti-stealth items like Oracle Lens or Pink Wards to reveal her position. This denies her surprise engages and forces her to play more cautiously.
  • Pick champions with disengage or self-peel like Janna, Lulu or Tristana. Being able to knock her away or jump to safety counters her all-in potential.

Hopefully some of these tips help you and your teammates avoid becoming prey for Evelynn! Staying together and maintaining vision are essential for dealing with the Demon Queen in the Tournament of Souls mode.

Related tutorial videos:

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