How To Beat Gods Eye Viego?


Here are some tips to beat God-King Goliath Viego in League of Legends:

  • Focus him in teamfights. His passive lets him resurrect dead allies, so don't let him live long enough to use it.
  • Buy grievous wounds. His healing is reduced, making him easier to take down.
  • Pick champions with knockups/displacement. These interrupt his ultimate, which is a huge damage spike.
  • Focus objectives over prolonged fights. Drag him away from his dead allies so he can't resurrect them as easily.
  • Build tanky stats. His damage comes primarily from auto attacks, so health and armor go a long way.

Hope this helps! The key is focusing him fast before he can resurrect his team. Knockups are very useful for interrupting his channel ult as well.

Related tutorial videos:

How To Defeat God's Eye Viego In Tournament of Souls! (Guide)

How to beat God's Eye Viego in Tournament of Souls