How To Breed A Yawstrich?


Ostriches are large, flightless birds native to Africa. If you want to breed ostriches, here are the basic steps:

Select a Pairing

Choose a male and female ostrich that are mature enough to breed. Most ostriches will be ready between 2-4 years old. Make sure to select birds that are healthy and exhibit desirable traits you want to pass on.

Courtship Display

Allow the male ostrich to perform courtship displays for the female like dancing, bowing, and spreading his feathers. This helps stimulate the female's hormones for breeding.


When the female is receptive, she will crouch low and spread her wings signaling she is ready to mate. The male will mount her from behind and fertilization occurs internally.

Incubation and Hatching

The female ostrich will lay 1-2 eggs in a nest on the ground every few days. She incubates the eggs for around 42 days until they hatch. The parents will cooperate raising the young ostriches.

Raising the Chicks

Newly hatched ostrich chicks are able to feed and walk on their own. The parents will continue protecting and caring for them as they grow into adult ostriches over the next few years.

Related tutorial videos:

How to Breed Yawstrich (Mythical) | My Singing Monsters

How To Breed Yawstrich