How To Contact Amazon Seller?


To contact an Amazon seller, follow these steps:

  • Go to the product listing page for the item you purchased from the seller.
  • Look below the "Add to Cart" button for a section labeled "Product Details".
  • In that section, find the link labeled "Contact seller" or "Ask a question". Click on that link.
  • On the contact seller page, select your question/issue from the dropdown menu.
  • Type your message in the message box provided.
  • Click "Send Message" to contact the seller.

The seller should respond to your message within a few business days. You can also check the "Questions & Answers" section on the product listing page to see if other customers have asked similar questions.

Related tutorial videos:

How To CONTACT & CALL Amazon Seller Support!

How To Contact A Third-Party Amazon Seller - Quick and Easy