How To Contact Seller On Amazon?


To contact the seller of a product on Amazon, first find the product listing and click on the "See all formats and versions" link just below the price. This will expand the product details section. Under the "Product details" heading, look for the "Seller" information. Here you will find the seller's name and typically a button to "Contact seller" or "Message seller". Click on this button to send a message to the seller through the Amazon marketplace.

You can also find the seller's contact information by clicking on the seller's name or logo anywhere on the product page. This will take you to the seller's profile page where you should be able to find email or phone number listed under "Contact seller" or a "Message" button to initiate contact through Amazon.

If contacting the seller directly via email, be sure to reference the specific Amazon product you have a question about so the seller knows what item your message is regarding. Providing your Amazon order number can also help the seller identify you.

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