How To Draw Michael Myers?


Here are the basic steps to draw Michael Myers from the Halloween movies:

  1. Start by sketching out the basic mask shape. The mask is a plain white Captain Kirk-style mask with two oval eye holes and a triangle nose piece.
  2. Add detail lines inside the eye holes to define the shape. Sketch in straight eyebrows above the eye holes.
  3. Add contour lines outside the mask to shape the cheeks and jawline beneath the mask. Sketch the strap that holds the mask on around the back of the head.
  4. Focus on the shape and proportions. The mask should look wide, flat and featureless. Keep the details simple and disturbing.
  5. Add shadows and wrinkles/creases to give the mask texture and a worn, weathered look. Shade the mask lightly for highlights and shadows.
  6. Remember Myers' signature outfit - blue coveralls, often worn undone at the top to reveal his white tank top underneath.
  7. Add detail to the body and clothing as needed. Consider Myers' stance and what props he might be holding, like his infamous kitchen knife.

With practice, focus on the mask's eerie blank stare and basic yet unsettling silhouette. Capturing Myers' still, looming presence is key to the horror icon's disturbing design.

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