How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies?


Here are some tips to get rid of fruit flies:

  • Clean up any spilled liquids or foods and throw out overripe and rotting produce to eliminate their food source.
  • Set out apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a small bowl or jar. The vinegar attracts the flies and the soap breaks the surface tension so they drown.
  • Place dried bay leaves or fresh basil leaves in containers around your kitchen. The strong scents repel the flies.
  • Set out traps made from plastic wrap or paper stretched over a cup or jar. Flies are attracted to the holes but can't figure out how to fly back out.
  • Use fly strips or sprays containing pyrethrins as a last resort. Make sure to follow package directions carefully as these can be toxic if not used properly.

Getting rid of overripe fruits and cleaning spills regularly is the best natural way to discourage fruit flies from entering your home in the first place.

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You CAN get rid of fruit flies, my friend!

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