How To Get Rid Of Gnats?


Here are some effective ways to get rid of gnats:

  • Place apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of dish soap in small cups or bowls and place them around the area where you see gnats. The vinegar attracts the gnats and the soap breaks the surface tension so they drown.
  • Use yellow sticky traps to catch flying gnats. Place them near potted plants or areas where you see gnats congregating.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on top of the soil in potted plants. This finely ground fossil shell acts as a drying agent and kills insects by absorbing the oils from their exoskeletons.
  • Let wet areas dry completely to eliminate breeding grounds. Fix any leaks or drainage issues that may be attracting gnats.
  • Place bay leaves in potted plants or on damp surfaces. Gnats don't like the smell of bay leaves so they will be deterred from landing.

Be patient, as it may take a few weeks to fully get rid of an infestation. Keeping areas dry is the best way to prevent new gnats from appearing.

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