How To Kill Arcane Turrets Bg3?


Arcane turrets are tough mechanical enemies that can deal heavy magic damage. Here are a few tips for taking them down:

  • Focus fire on the turrets with multiple characters. They have high armor but low hit points, so concentrating damage is effective.
  • Use spells that target objects like Acid Splash or Magic Missile. Magical attacks bypass their armor.
  • Engage them from a distance if possible. Their magic beams have limited range, so staying more than 30 feet away prevents attacks of opportunity.
  • Use the Jump spell or leaping abilities to close distance quickly once their defenses are lowered.
  • Area effect spells like Burning Hands or Thunderwave can damage multiple turrets at once.
  • Destroying the pedestal they're mounted on with a high damage attack will take the turret out immediately.

With smart use of magic and mobility, arcane turrets pose less of a threat. Just watch out for their beams and don't let them focus fire on your party!

Related tutorial videos:

How to Destroy Arcane Turrets | Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) - How Do You Disable Arcane Turrets