How To Last Longer In Bed?


Here are some tips to help you last longer during sex:

  • Practice delayed ejaculation. Masturbate an hour or two before sex so you're not overly sensitive.
  • Use condoms designed to reduce sensation. Thicker condoms can help you last longer.
  • Try the stop-start technique. Whenever you feel close to climaxing, stop thrusting and remain still until the urge passes.
  • Do pelvic floor exercises. Strengthening these muscles can improve ejaculatory control.
  • Change positions. Move from deeper positions like doggy style to shallower ones like missionary when you're close.
  • Use shallow thrusts. Rock your hips gently instead of thrusting all the way in and out when you're highly aroused.
  • Breathe deeply. Taking slow, deep breaths can help relax your body and distract you from sensations that trigger orgasm.

Be patient with yourself. With practice, you'll gain more control over your arousal and climax.

Related tutorial videos:

How to Last Longer in Bed Naturally: From Performance to Pleasure

How to Last Longer in Bed Naturally | How to Stop Premature Ejaculation