How To Make A Secret Door In Minecraft?


Here are the steps to make a hidden door in Minecraft:

  1. Decide where you want the secret door to be located in your build.
  2. Cut out an opening in the wall that is at least 2 blocks wide and 2 blocks tall.
  3. Place a button, pressure plate, or lever on the inside of the wall near the opening.
  4. Link the activation device to some redstone dust that runs to a piston.
  5. Place a block in front of the piston that will act as the door.
  6. When the activation device is pressed, it will power the redstone and cause the piston to extend, pushing the door block out of the way.
  7. To close it, just press the activation device again to retract the piston and block the opening.

Be sure to camouflage the activation device and redstone wiring so it looks like a normal part of the wall to anyone who doesn't know about the secret doorway.

Related tutorial videos:

Minecraft: How to build a Hidden Door! (easy)