How To Play Music With Maxibot On Discord?


To play music with Maxibot on Discord, you first need to add Maxibot to your Discord server. Once Maxibot is in your server, you can use the following commands:

/play [song name or URL] - Plays the song you specify by name or URL

/skip - Skips the currently playing song

/pause - Pauses the currently playing song

/resume - Resumes a paused song

/stop - Stops playing music and clears the queue

You can also queue multiple songs by adding URLs or names after the /play command, separated by spaces. Maxibot will play through the queue automatically. Make sure Maxibot has permission to connect to voice channels and send messages on your server to use these music commands.

Related tutorial videos:

How To Play Music In Discord - Step By Step Guide

How To Play Music In Discord (Step by Step) - Full Guide