How To Put Multiple Enchantments On An Item In Minecraft?


To put multiple enchantments on an item in Minecraft, you need to use an enchantment table. First, place the item you want to enchant in the top slot of the enchantment table. Then place lapis lazuli in the left slot to begin the enchantment process. Select an enchantment level by gaining experience levels. You can continue adding more lapis lazuli and selecting higher levels to potentially add additional enchantments to the same item. However, higher level enchantments make it less likely additional enchantments will be added.

Some tips for getting multiple enchantments:

  • Use as many lapis lazuli as possible in the enchantment table for higher chances of multiple enchantments.
  • Have a high enough experience level selected to increase the odds an item receives multiple enchants instead of just one.
  • Enchant books first and then combine enchanted books together onto one item using an anvil to guarantee stacking enchantments.

So in summary, use high lapis lazuli amounts and experience levels at an enchantment table. Or enchant books separately and combine them onto items in an anvil to reliably get multiple enchantments on a single Minecraft item.

Related tutorial videos:

How to put Multiple Enchantments on an item in Minecraft?

How To Add Multiple Enchantments Minecraft [Very Easy!]