How To Raise Friendship In Xenoverse 2?


There are a few different ways to increase your character's friendship level in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2:

Complete Parallel Quests Together

One of the best and most reliable ways is by completing Parallel Quests with the character you want to befriend. Working together to defeat enemies will steadily increase your friendship level over time.

Give Them Gifts

Visit the Kami's Lookout gift shop and purchase gifts to give to other characters. The more expensive the gift, the bigger boost it'll give to friendship. Regular gifts help more than common gifts.

Train Together at the Time Nest

Sparring or just standing near the wanted character at the Time Nest will also help build friendship slowly over multiple sessions. This is less effective than Parallel Quests but doesn't require as much effort.

Complete Story Missions Together

Having the desired character accompany you on story missions as an ally will contribute to friendship gains, though not as fast as Parallel Quests. Still worth doing for some extra points.

With regular gifts, Parallel Quests, and spending time together, you can max out a character's friendship level in Xenoverse 2 after several gaming sessions.

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