How To Reactivate Roblox Account?


If your Roblox account has been deactivated or banned, here are the steps to try and get it reactivated:

Contact Roblox Support

The first step is to contact Roblox support through their website. You can submit a ticket explaining your issue and requesting they review your account status. Provide as many details as possible on what led to the deactivation.

Check for Bans or Warnings

Log into your Roblox account if possible and check for any active bans or warnings listed on your profile. These will give clues as to why the account was deactivated and how long a ban may last.

Address the Issues

In your support ticket and any follow up communication, be sure to acknowledge what issues led to the deactivation and assure Roblox you have addressed them and will avoid repeat offenses. Apologize for any misconduct and show you understand why actions resulted in deactivation.

Request Review of Your Case

Ask Roblox support to please review your account again and reconsider reactivating it given the steps you have taken to rectify problems. Be polite and respectful in all communication. It may take some time but staying persistent can help get your account reviewed again.

Related tutorial videos:

How to reactivate Roblox account after being banned for three days.

How To Reactivate Your Roblox Account!!!