How To Read Kalimba Tabs?


Kalimba tabs are a notation system used to notate songs and melodies for the kalimba, or thumb piano. Tabs provide an easy way to learn how to play a piece without having to learn formal musical notation.

Understanding the Layout

Kalimba tabs are laid out from left to right corresponding to the tines (metal bars) of the kalimba from lowest pitched to highest. The lowest, or bass note, is on the far left. Numbers are used to represent the tines.

Reading the Notes

Notes are represented by numbers corresponding to which tine should be played. For example, a "1" indicates the lowest tine while a "10" would be the highest, depending on how many tines your kalimba has. Slash marks above or below the numbers indicate rhythmic duration.

Other Symbols

Other common symbols used include: slashes for rhythms, letters like "h" or "p" for hammer-ons and pull-offs, arrows indicating slides between notes, andRepeat symbols.

With some practice, you'll be able to easily interpret kalimba tabs and learn new songs. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Related tutorial videos:

How to Read Kalimba Tabs | Number and Letter Notation & Kalimba Tablature

☕ How To Read Kalimba Number Tabs | Kalimba Guide ✨