How To Reclaim Your Oath Bg3?


Here are the basic steps to reclaim your oath in Baldur's Gate 3 if you broke it:

1. Restart your game and reload your previous save file where you had broken your oath. This will reset your character's standing with their deity.

2. Roleplay repentance and atonement by engaging in good acts and avoiding further evil acts aligned with your deity's domain and alignments. Help those in need, combat threats, and uphold virtues like justice, mercy, or nature.

3. Seek out your deity's clergy or shrines in the game world. Talk to priests and clerics of your deity and request a blessing or absolution to have your oath reclaimed. Completing a task for them can help prove your commitment.

4. Pray and meditate at shrines dedicated to your deity. You may receive a sign, dream, or vision indicating your oath has been reclaimed if you show true repentance and dedication going forward.

5. Continue upholding your oath's tenets from that point on to remain in your deity's good graces. Remember that breaking oaths has consequences, so stay true to regain and keep your divine power and favor.

Related tutorial videos:

How To Reclaim Your Broken Oath In Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3: Breaking And Regaining Your Paladin Oath