How To Recruit Minthara Without Killing Druids?


- Complete Gale's questline and gather sufficient reputation. This will allow you to recruit Minthara through conversation and persuasion without violence.

- Sneak past the druids instead of engaging in combat. Look for alternative routes around the camp. Minthara may still join if the druids remain unharmed.

- Use spells like charm, sleep, or hideous laughter to incapacitate the druids non-lethally. Knock them unconscious but do not deal killing blows. Minthara will still be recruitable.

- Rally other party members to distract or divide the druids while sneaking Minthara away. Trickery and deception could work where open combat fails. The druids just need to survive the encounter.

- Exhaust all dialogue options with Minthara and the druids, looking for a diplomatic solution where Minthara leaves peacefully. Roleplaying and persuasion may unlock alternatives to violence.

In summary, avoidance of combat, trickery, reputation, or thoroughly exhausting dialogue options can allow recruiting Minthara without harming the druids.

Related tutorial videos:

Baldur's Gate 3 How to Recruit Minthara without Mass Murder | The New Method Walkthrough

Baldur's Gate 3: How to Recruit Minthara in Patch 5 (Good Playthrough)