How To Reduce Pollution Factorio?


There are a few things you can do in Factorio to help reduce pollution and its negative effects:

Use efficiency modules

Efficiency modules reduce the amount of resources and energy consumed by buildings, which means less pollution is produced. Be sure to use efficiency 1, 2, or 3 modules wherever possible.

Maximize productivity modules

Productivity modules increase output without increasing consumption/pollution. Prioritize using productivity 1, 2, and 3 modules to boost production while reducing pollution per item.

Use solar panels and accumulators

Solar power is pollution-free. Add solar panel arrays and accumulators to your grid to supplement your steam or nuclear power and reduce reliance on polluting power sources like boilers.

Plant trees

Trees and forests absorb pollution over time. Leave extra space between outposts and expand forests to help absorb and break down pollution.

Research pollution cleansing technologies

Researching modules, solar power, and other anti-pollution techs as soon as possible will greatly reduce your factory's overall pollution impact over time.

Related tutorial videos:

Factorio: One Weird Trick to reduce pollution

Fix your Pollution Problem.