How To Request A Refund On Amazon?


To request a refund on Amazon, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Your Orders page by selecting "Your Account" from the top menu and then choosing "Your Orders."
  2. Find the order you want to request a refund for and select "Request refund" under the item(s) you want refunded.
  3. Select the reason for your refund request from the dropdown menu. Common reasons include "Item doesn't match description," "Damaged or defective item," and "Changed my mind."
  4. Provide additional details about why you're requesting a refund in the comments section if needed.
  5. Submit your refund request. Amazon will review it and let you know if your refund has been approved.
  6. Return the item(s) if requested to do so. Amazon may ask you to ship back items before approving the refund.

In most cases, Amazon will process refunds within 1-2 business days of approving your request. Be sure to check your Amazon account and email for updates on the status of your refund.

Related tutorial videos:

Amazon refund requests for beginners (step by step)

How To Get A Refund On Amazon 2022