How To Restart Gta 5 Story Mode?


If you want to restart the story mode in Grand Theft Auto 5, here are a few easy steps to follow:

Load a Previous Save File

The simplest way is to load an earlier save file where you want to restart the story from. Go to Story Mode in the GTA 5 main menu and select "Load Game" to see your list of saves. Choose the one you want and your game will reload from that point.

Delete Save Files

If you want a complete fresh restart, you'll need to delete your existing save files. Close the game and navigate to the saves folder on your system. Delete all GTA5 Story Mode saves, then reload the game - it will start you from the very beginning with no progress saved.

Restart from Prologue

From the Story Mode menu, you can also select "Replay Mission" and choose "Prologue" to go all the way back to the intro cinematic and first mission. This is a good choice if you want to redo everything from the start of the story.

Hope this helps if you want a clean restart of the GTA 5 single player adventure!

Related tutorial videos:

How to restart gta 5 from the beginning

How to reset gta5 story mode