How To Reverse Laser Pointer Syndrome In Dogs?


Laser pointer syndrome, also known as laser craziness, is a condition that can develop in some dogs who are frequently exposed to laser pointers. The laser dots excite and stimulate a dog's natural prey drive, but they are unable to catch the laser. This can lead to obsessive and even frantic behavior from the dog as they try in vain to catch the imaginary "prey" they see. Here are some tips to help reverse laser pointer syndrome in dogs:

  • Remove all laser pointers from the home and do not use them to play with your dog anymore.
  • Replace laser playtime with other interactive toys your dog can actually catch like balls, stuffed toys, etc. This will satisfy their prey drive in a healthy way.
  • Exercise your dog daily with walks, play sessions in the backyard, etc to help reduce excess energy and anxiety from being unable to catch the laser.
  • Consider dog calming supplements or pheromone diffusers to help soothe your dog's stress and obsessive behaviors.
  • Be patient, it may take weeks or months for your dog to fully overcome their obsession with lasers. Consistency is key with replacing lasers with other appropriate toys.

With time and consistent redirection to other stimulating toys, most dogs are able to recover from laser pointer syndrome. But it's important to be diligent in not reintroducing lasers as playthings going forward to prevent a relapse.

Related tutorial videos:

Can you reverse laser pointer syndrome in dogs?

Laser Pointer Syndrome in Dogs (DON'T USE THEM)