How To Revive A Poinsettia?


Poinsettias are known for their vibrant red, pink or white colored foliage that blooms around the holidays. However, after the holidays are over their leaves may start to drop. Don't throw it out, there's still hope to bring it back to life with a little TLC.

Change the Location

Move the plant to a warmer, brighter spot in your home. Poinsettias need temperatures around 70°F during the day and 60°F at night to thrive. An east or west-facing window will provide adequate sunlight.

Water Properly

Allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Water just enough so the soil is moist but not soggy or waterlogged. Waterlogged soil can cause root rot.

Fertilize Regularly

Use a liquid houseplant fertilizer every couple weeks during the growing season following package instructions. Fertilizer will give the plant a nutrient boost to help it rebound.

Prune Off Wilted Leaves

Use scissors to carefully cut off any dry, curling or discolored foliage to direct the plant's energy into new growth. Be sure to sterilize scissors between prunings.

With some TLC your poinsettia should start producing new leaves within a few weeks. It may even rebloom next winter with the right care.

Related tutorial videos:

The Secret to Keeping Your Poinsettia Alive ALL YEAR

Poinsettia Revival