How To Stop Snoring?


Here are some tips that may help stop snoring:

  • Lose extra weight if overweight or obese. Extra weight can worsen snoring by putting pressure on the neck and throat.
  • Avoid sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your side can open up the airway and reduce snoring. You can sew a tennis ball into the back of your pajamas to discourage sleeping on your back.
  • Use nasal strips, dilators, or other devices. These gently lift the soft palate and tongue to keep the throat open at night.
  • Take over-the-counter decongestants or nasal strips before bed. Relieving nasal congestion can help breath more easily at night.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can irritate the mucus membranes in your nose and throat, making snoring worse.
  • Avoid alcohol close to bedtime. Alcohol relaxes muscles in the throat and increases likelihood of snoring.
  • Treat any medical conditions. Issues like allergies, deviated septum, sleep apnea may require medical care to fully resolve snoring.

If lifestyle changes don't help, see your doctor. They may recommend a sleep study to diagnose any underlying sleep disorders like sleep apnea that can cause loud snoring.

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How to stop snoring