How To Use Chopsticks?


Here are basic instructions for using chopsticks:

  1. Hold the chopsticks like a pencil - closer to the pointed ends, between your thumb and first two fingers.
  2. The top chopstick should remain still while you move the bottom chopstick to pick up food.
  3. Use a pinching motion with the chopsticks rather than stabbing at food. Food should be picked up from the side or bottom rather than directly on top.
  4. Don't shovel foods into your mouth - bring small bite-sized pieces to your mouth one at a time.
  5. It takes practice, so don't get frustrated! Keep holding the chopsticks correctly and move them separately rather than together to get the hang of it.

With some patience and practice, you'll be able to use chopsticks like a pro.

Related tutorial videos:

How To Use Chopsticks | Food Network